[[Rotator Puzzle]]
[[Card Game]]
[[Card Game 2]]
[[Dice Game #1]]
[[Basic ChatterMob]]
[[Vault Heist]]
[[Summoning a Daemon]](set: $dialLimit to (random: 1, 10))
(set: $dialValue to (shuffled: ...(range: 0, $dialLimit)))
(replace:?input)[(display: "Rotator Input")](for: each _i, ...(range: 1, $dialValue's length))[(set: _temp to _i)(link-reveal: (str: $dialValue's (_temp)))[
(set: _nextIndex to (_temp - 1 + $dialValue's (_temp)) % $dialValue's length + 1)
(set: _swap to ($dialValue's (_nextIndex)))
(set: $dialValue's (_nextIndex) to ($dialValue's (_temp)))
(set: $dialValue's (_temp) to _swap)
(replace:?input)[(display: "Rotator Input")(display: "Rotator Puzzle Unlocked?")]] |- ](if: (range: 0, $dialLimit) matches $dialValue)[
You have unlocked the dial!
]{(set: $deck to (shuffled: "A 1", "B 1", "A 2", "B 2", "A 3","B 3","A 4","B 4","A 5","B 5","A 6","B 6","A 7","B 7","A 8","B 8","A 9","B 9","A 10","B 10","A 11","B 11","A 12","B 12","A 13","B 13"))
(set: $deckIndex to 1)
(set: $playerHand to (a:))
(set: $opponentHand to (a:))
(for: each _i, ...(range: 1,5))[
(set: $playerHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)
(set: $opponentHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)]
(set: $potTotal to 0)
(set: $playerScore to 4)
(set: $opponentScore to 4)
(display: "Display Hand")
|output>[You -> $playerScore -+- Total -> $potTotal -+- Them -> $opponentScore]{(link-reveal: (str: _item))[(replace:?output)[You play the _item,
(set: $playerHand to it - (a: _item))
(set: $potTotal to (it + (num: (words: _item)'s 2nd)) % 31)
making the pot total $potTotal.
(if: $potTotal is 0)[(set: $opponentScore to it - 1)You score a hit on your opponent with 31. Total reset to 0.]
(if: $potTotal is 15)[(set: $opponentScore to it - 1)You score a hit on your opponent with 15.]
(if: $opponentScore <= 0)[You have won by knocking your opponent down to 0 points.]
(set: _opponentChoice to (either: ...$opponentHand))
Opponent plays _opponentChoice,
(set: $opponentHand to it - (a: _opponentChoice))
(set: $potTotal to (it + (num: (words: _opponentChoice)'s 2nd)) % 31)
making the pot total $potTotal.
(if: $potTotal is 0)[(set: $playerScore to it - 1)They score a hit on you with 31. Total reset to 0.]
(if: $potTotal is 15)[(set: $playerScore to it - 1)They score a hit on you with 15]
(if: $deckIndex < $deck's length)[
(set: $playerHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)
(set: $opponentHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)
The deck is empty.
<br/>You -> $playerScore -+- Total -> $potTotal -+- Them -> $opponentScore
You can see your opponent's cards through their eyes with a touch of clairvoyance -> $opponentHand
(replace:?input)[(display: "Display Hand")]
}(for: each _item, ...$playerHand)[(display: "Play Card")
]{(set: $deck to (shuffled: "A 1", "B 1", "A 2", "B 2", "A 3","B 3","A 4","B 4","A 5","B 5","A 6","B 6","A 7","B 7","A 8","B 8","A 9","B 9","A 10","B 10","A 11","B 11","A 12","B 12","A 13","B 13", "A 1", "B 1", "A 2", "B 2", "A 3","B 3","A 4","B 4","A 5","B 5","A 6","B 6","A 7","B 7","A 8","B 8","A 9","B 9","A 10","B 10","A 11","B 11","A 12","B 12","A 13","B 13"))
(set: $deckIndex to 1)
(set: $playerHand to (a:))
(set: $opponentHand to (a:))
(for: each _i, ...(range: 1,5))[
(set: $playerHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)
(set: $opponentHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)]
(set: $potTotal to (dm: "A", 0, "B", 0))
(set: $playerScore to 4)
(set: $opponentScore to 4)
(display: "Display Hand2")
|output>[You -> $playerScore -+- Total A -> 0 -+- Total B -> 0 -+- Them -> $opponentScore](for: each _item, ...$playerHand)[(display: "Play Card2")
]{(link-reveal: (str: _item))[(replace:?output)[You play the _item,
(set: $playerHand to it - (a: _item))
(set: _potKey to (words: _item)'s 1st)
(set: $potTotal's (_potKey) to (it + (num: (words: _item)'s 2nd)) % 31)
making the pot total _potKey (print: $potTotal's (_potKey)).
(if: $potTotal's (_potKey) is 0)[(set: $opponentScore to it - 1)You score a hit on your opponent with 31. Total reset to 0.]
(if: $potTotal's (_potKey) is 15)[(set: $opponentScore to it - 1)You score a hit on your opponent with 15.]
(if: $opponentScore <= 0)[You have won by knocking your opponent down to 0 points.]
(set: _opponentChoice to (either: ...$opponentHand))
Opponent plays _opponentChoice,
(set: _potKey to (words: _opponentChoice)'s 1st)
(set: $opponentHand to it - (a: _opponentChoice))
(set: $potTotal's (_potKey) to (it + (num: (words: _opponentChoice)'s 2nd)) % 31)
making the pot total _potKey (print: $potTotal's (_potKey)).
(if: $potTotal's (_potKey) is 0)[(set: $playerScore to it - 1)They score a hit on you with 31. Total reset to 0.]
(if: $potTotal's (_potKey) is 15)[(set: $playerScore to it - 1)They score a hit on you with 15]
(if: $deckIndex < $deck's length)[
(set: $playerHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)
(set: $opponentHand to it + (a: $deck's ($deckIndex)))
(set: $deckIndex to it + 1)
The deck is empty.
<br/>You -> $playerScore -+- Total A -> (print: $potTotal's A) -+- Total B -> (print: $potTotal's B) -+- Them -> $opponentScore
You can see your opponent's cards through their eyes with a touch of clairvoyance -> $opponentHand
(replace:?input)[(display: "Display Hand2")]
}Roll your die. They roll theirs.
Highest roll wins.
If you're carrying a Lodestone, you will add 1 to the roll.
{(set: $gold to 100)
(set: $riftTreasure to 0)
(set: $inventory to (ds: "Lodestone"))}
(set: $ante to 3)(set: $opponentGold to 100)
(set: $pot to 0)
|input>[(display: "Roll Dice #1")]
Gold: (live:)[$gold] Their Gold: (live:)[$opponentGold]
Ante: (live:)[$ante] Pot: (live:)[$pot]
Yours -> (live:)[$yourRoll] -+- (live:)[$theirRoll] <- Theirs
|output>[ [[Oh, No Gambling For Me->Next Encounter]] ]{(link-reveal: "Roll the Bones!")[(replace:?output)[
(if: $gold > $ante)[(set: $pot to it + $ante * 2)(set: $gold to it - $ante)(set: $opponentGold to it - $ante)]
(set: $yourRoll to (random: 1, 6))
(if: $inventory contains "Lodestone")[(set: $yourRoll to it + 1)]
(set: $theirRoll to (random: 1, 6))
(if: $yourRoll > $theirRoll)[
(if: $yourRoll is 7)[You've been caught for a cheat! <b>Command - 1</b>(set: $riftCommand to it - 1)]
(else:)[You win! (set: $gold to it + $pot)<b>Gold + $pot</b>](set: $pot to 0)]
(else-if: $yourRoll < $theirRoll)[They've won the roll off! <b>Opponent Gold + $pot</b>(set: $opponentGold to it + $pot)(set: $pot to 0)]
(else:)[You've both tied! If you have the gold, you can roll off for the combined pot.]
(if: $opponentGold <= 0)[Your opponent pushes themselves away from the table with an exhausted sigh.
[[Next Encounter]]]
(if: $gold <= 0)[You reach for your purse, but it is empty. You retire for the time being.
[[Next Encounter]]]
(set: $ante to it * 2)
(replace:?input)[(display: "Roll Dice #1")]
]]}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(set: $reputation to (dm:))
(set: $identity to "Publican")
(unless: $reputation contains $identity)[(set: $reputation's ($identity) to -1)]
first, establish your reputation with them
if they don't know you, you'll have a reputation penalty on all interactions with them
If you buy from them and share rumors, your reputation with them will eventually become a bonus
(set: $playerRumors to (ds: "The Aleph", "Fire Ghosts Are Hypnotized by Gold", "I'm new here.", "My Garrett Is Secretly An Incredibly Powerful Artifact"))
(set: $mobRumors to (ds: "Fire Ghosts Are Hypnotized by Gold", "Damage Ward Broker", "Sirens Carry Great Wisdom", "Industries of West Fires", "Current Boss of West Fires", "Crimes of West Fires", "The Ripper's Carnage"))
[[Buy A Round]]
[[Tip the Publican]]|input>[(set: $reputation's ($identity) to it + (random: 0, 1))
(for: each _i, ...(shuffled: ...$playerRumors)'s (range: 1,3))[
(set: _item to _i)(link-reveal: _item)[
(if: $mobRumors contains _item)[(replace:?input)["_item? I heard it before, friend."]]
(else:)[(replace:?input)[(set: $reputation's ($identity) to it + 1)(set: _newRumor to (either: ...$mobRumors))"_item? Interesting... ", they say. "_newRumor"(set: $playerRumors to it + (ds: _newRumor))(set: $mobRumors to it + (ds: _item))]]
(live:)[(print: $reputation's ($identity))]
[[Buy A Round]]
[[Tip the Publican]] (if: (random: 0, $reputation's ($identity)) > 0)[(set: $reputation's ($identity) to it + 1) The Publican shows their appreciation for your patronage by almost demonstrating any amount of emotion.
(set: _selectRumors to ($mobRumors - $playerRumors))
(if: _selectRumors's length is 0)["I've told you all I know."]
(else:)[(set: _newRumor to (either: ..._selectRumors))"_newRumor"(set: $playerRumors to it + (ds: _newRumor))]
](else:)[The Publican is too busy polishing glasses to notice your paltry offering.]
(live:)[(print: $reputation's ($identity))]
[[Buy A Round]]
{(set: $moments to 13)
(set: $cunning to 4)(set: $perception to 4)(set: $health to 5)
(set: $inventory to (ds: "Sleeping Phial", "Flask of Poison", "Liter of Acid", "Ritual Dagger", "Damage Ward", "Crystal of Detonation", "Crystal Spyglass", "Safecracking Kit", "Belonging Sign"))
(set: $daemons to (ds: "Fire Ghost", "Living Shadow"))
(set: $disguise to 1)(set: $reputation to (dm: "public", 7))
(set: $guardHealth to 4)(set: $tellerHealth to 3)(set: $barrierHealth to 0)(set: $vaultCode to 0)(set: $guardianHealth to 5)}
You're to enter the vault foyer posing as customers.
Once inside the building, you have $moments moments to subdue the two guards on duty.
The tellers will attempt to bring down the anti-theft shield, but we've given you a Crystal of Detonation to blast through it.
They should be pretty shook up by that and will be unlikely to put up a fight.
We then have to crack the vault before offsite support becomes onsite support, and you get thrown in gaol.
Inside the vault may be a guardian creature. Whatever moments remaining can be spent fighting the creature.
Remaining time is converted into liberated treasure.
If you can avoid getting caught, we'll pull you out with the same portal as all of that sweet, sweet treasure.
[[Let's Go!]]Moments Remaining: $moments
You are standing outside the vault office's front door. (if: $inventory contains "Belonging Sign")[ A glamour provides you with the requisite fineries. Every passerby who sees you perceives you as someone different, someone they trust. Someone who belongs.(set: $disguise to it + 5)]
In front of the foyer door, you note that your compatriots have inscribed invisible runes of a teleportation spell at the entrance. If you can get back here with the treasure from the vault, they will transport you and the gold back to the safe house.
(set: $guardOutFront to (either: true, false))
(if: $guardOutFront is true)[
You see a courtesy guard at the front of the vault.(set: $guardHealth to it + 1)
(if: $disguise > 3)[
They allow you to pass unmolested.
[[Enter the Foyer]]
They put up a stink right off the bat!
(set: $guardHealth to it + 2)
[[Fight the Guards]]
[[Enter the Foyer]]
Moments Remaining: $moments
You press the intercom button and announce yourself.
The door unlocks itself and swings open to invite you into the foyer of the vault.
You stride into the foyer, and the door swings shut behind you.
You cannot back out now. Next up is the front desk:
- Subdue the Two Guards
- Take out the Anti-Theft Barrier
[[Front Desk]](display: "MomentTick")
You see two portly guards dozing off in front of a trio of bored tellers.
(if: $perception > 3)[They don't even know, yet, that they're being robbed.
[[Surprise Attack!]]]
(if: $inventory contains "Sleeping Phial")[
(link-reveal: "Throw Sleeping Phial")[
(replace:?input)[You throw the glass phial full of compressed sleeping gas. It shatters (if: (either: true, false))[in front of the guards, knocking them unconscious! The tellers manage to drop the enchanted barrier.(set: $barrierHealth to 10)(set: $guardHealth to 0)
[[Examine the Enchanted Barrier]]](else:)[into the tellers' pit, rendering them unconscious.(set: $tellerHealth to 0)
[[Fight the Guards]]]]]]
(if: $inventory contains "Flask of Poison")[
(link-reveal: "Throw Flask of Poison")[
(replace:?input)[You throw the glass flask full of compressed poison gas. It shatters in the midst of the front desk, instantly killing everyone inside. (set: $guardHealth to 0)(set: $tellerHealth to 0)
"A Shameful Display"
[[Examine the Vault Door]]
]]]]Moments Remaining: $moments
(set: $guardHealth to it - (random: 1, $guardHealth))
(if: $guardHealth <= 0)[
You manage to dispatch all sentinels with a swift attack!
[[Subdue the Tellers]]
](else:)[The guard presence is somewhat reduced, but you'll still need to now fight them!
[[Fight the Guards]]
[[Flee the Heist!]] (display: "MomentTick")
It's essentially a very large, very durable version of the enchantment traps that wizards place for each other in the back alleys of the West Fires. Anything strong enough to smash through it will release a few tonnes of energy right back at the smasher.
(if: $inventory contains "Crystal of Detonation")[
The Crystal of Detonation will cut a hole right through that barrier, and the folks on the other side will feel it, too.
[[Use the Crystal of Detonation on the Enchanted Barrier]]
In your other hand, you pull out a (set: _offHand to (either: ...($inventory - (ds: "Crystal of Detonation"))))_offHand.
If _offHand is something that can do damage, then you can attempt to destroy it with that and then body the blast.
[[Shatter the Enchanted Barrier]]
[[Flee the Heist!]](display: "MomentTick")
(set: $guardHealth to it - (random: 1, 3))
(if: $tellerHealth > 0 and (either: true, false))[
x(set: $barrierHealth to 10)]
(if: $guardHealth <= 0)[
(if: $barrierHealth > 0)[
While you were dealing with the guards, the tellers were able to get the Enchanted Barrier in place.
[[Examine the Enchanted Barrier]]](else:)[
You hop right over the teller desk.
(if: $tellerHealth > 0)[
[[Subdue the Tellers]] ]
[[Examine the Vault Door]]
They're wounded, but still standing.
[[Fight the Guards]]
[[Flee the Heist!]](display: "MomentTick")
(set: $guardHealth to 0)(set: $tellerHealth to 0)(set: $inventory to it - (ds: "Crystal of Detonation"))(set: $barrierHealth to 0)
The barrier is obliterated in a wholly satisfying cascade of ruined threadwork. Anyone in the room that had been standing are now in a stupor all about on the floor. The front desk has been annihilated, allowing you to step through to the vault door beyond.
[[Examine the Vault Door]]
(display: "MomentTick")
(if: $inventory contains "Crystal Spyglass")[
You could use your Crystal Spyglass to pluck on a harmonic flaw in the barrier.
[[Use the Crystal Spyglass to Shatter the Enchanted Barrier]]
You won't be able to summon enough focused energy to break a shield of that strength without something to use as a lens.
[[Flee the Heist!]](if: $loot > 0)[Once you hit the teleportation sigil, you and your haul are warped into the confines of the safe house, guarded by wards against true sight and seers.
[[In the Safe House]] ](else:)[
You leave empty-handed!
Reputation - 2
](display: "MomentTick")
You are in front of a vast (either: "stone", "iron", "steel", "brass", "vanadium", "adamantium", "fossil") vault door, inscribed with runes of protection, runes of safety.
(if: (either: true, false))[
But the runes of safety don't do much if they left the vault door open during business hours.
(if: (either: true, false))[
[[Loot the Vault->Fight the Vault Guardian]]
[[Loot the Vault]]
(if: $inventory contains "Crystal of Detonation")[
You still have the Crystal of Detonation left over. You want to use it to shortcut this crappe?
[[Use the Crystal of Detonation to Blow The Vault Door]]
(if: $inventory contains "Safecracking Kit")[
[[Crack the Safe]]
(if: $vaultCode is 1)[
Of course, you do have the vault code.
[[Loot the Vault]]
[[Flee the Heist!]] (set: $moments to it - (random: 0, 2))(display: "MomentTick")
You grab a vague amount of treasure in satchels of slight-holding.
(set: $loot to it + (random: 10, 30) * 5)
[[Loot the Vault]]
[[Flee the Heist!]] (display: "MomentTick")
The vault door blows inward with a might GUFF!
(either: "The vault had a guardian, but it's now crushed under a three-tonne of vault door.", "The vault was empty.")
[[Loot the Vault]]
[[Flee the Heist!]] (set: $moments to it - 1)Moments Remaining: $moments(if: $moments <= 0)[(goto: "Down to the Gaol")]You dillied when you should've been dallying, or vice versa, or neither.
Either way, you've been clapped in irons and dragged through the crowded streets to the local gaol, where you'll rot for a while until they feel you've learned your lesson or conveniently died.
The End?You focus a beam of raw aetherium into what you think is a weak spot in the Barrier's Pattern. You guessed right about the weak spot, but you did not correctly predict the subsequent reaction, as deadly forces.
(set: $args to 5)(set: $deathReason to "The Barrier ruptured outward towards you, shredding everything softer than an oak beam.")$deathReason
(display: "TakeDamage")(set: $guardsHealth to 0)(set: $tellerHealth to 0)
[[Examine the Vault Door]]
[[Flee the Heist!]] (display: "MomentTick")
(set: $guardianHealth to 5)
(display: "Encounter Random Guardian Daemon")
(event: when $guardianHealth <= 0)[
[[Loot the Vault]] ]
[[Flee the Heist!]]
(event: when $health <= 0)[(goto: "Down to the Gaol")]You ended up holding $loot treasure.
After your fence takes their viggorish, your cut is (print: $loot * (1 + (random: 1, 5))) gold.
(if: $loot > 300)[
Your fence throws in a bonus for you!
(set: $inventory to it + (ds: "M.C. Escher: Beginner's Embroidery"))
](display: "MomentTick")
You manage to cow the tellers with some flashy cantrips. They quickly fill up your satchels with loose treasure that wasn't yet in the vault.
(set: $loot to it + (random: 2, 15))
Loot -> $loot
[[Demand the Vault Code]]
[[Examine the Vault Door]]
[[Flee the Heist!]] (display: "MomentTick")
You use a specialized technique to induce the truth from the terrified teller.
(if: (either: true, false))[
They quickly rattle off the vault code for you.
(set: $vaultCode to 1)
(if: (either: true, false))[ [[Loot the Vault->Fight the Vault Guardian]]](else:)[ [[Loot the Vault]]]
They don't seem to know the code!
[[Examine the Vault Door]]
[[Demand the Vault Code]]
[[Flee the Heist!]] |input>[(link-repeat: "Fight the Guardian Daemon")[
(display: "MomentTick")
(set: $guardianHealth to it - (random: 0, 3))
(set: $health to it - (random: 0, 3))Health -> $health
(event: when $guardianHealth <= 0)[(replace:?input)[The guardian daemon slumps to the floor, its body crumbling into dust.]]]
//safecracking minigame//
(if: (either: true, false))[
[[Loot the Vault->Fight the Vault Guardian]]
[[Loot the Vault]]
(set: $cunning to 4)(set: $perception to 4)(set: $health to 5)
(set: $circleHealth to 0)
(set: $daemonControl to 0)
(set: $daemonType to "")
[[Draw Summoning Circle]]
[[Assemble the Materials]](set: $circleHealth to 5)
You engrave chalk lines onto the floor, using the lessons gained from your research.
[[Assemble the Materials]]
[[Summon the Daemon]]You place your materials around the appointed area.
Each has been specially chosen for mastering a different kind of daemon.
(if: $inventory contains "Eye of Newt")[
(set: $circleHealth to it + 5)
(if: $circleHealth > 0)[
You cast out Eye of Newt on the summoning circle.
](else:)[You cast out Eye of Newt on the ground.
(set: $arg to "Eye of Newt")(display: "LoseItem")
[[Draw Summoning Circle]]
[[Summon the Daemon]] All right, time to get down to business.
You follow the steps from the book, open a channel to an Infernal plane, and something slips through.
(set: $daemon to (dm: "name", "Pyrrhus", "type", "fire", "strength", 7, "health", 11))
(if: $daemon's strength > $circleHealth)[
Your meagre protection was insufficient. The daemon you just summoned breaks right out and immediately attacks you.
//high-level daemon fight//
[[Pyrrhus Attacks!]]
The daemon is summoned right in the middle of your protective barriers. It prods a bit to see if they'll hold (nothing indecent), and then resigns itself to a civilized contract negotiation with you.
[[Negotiate With the Daemon]]
]"I can offer you knowledge of many things," they say. "What would you desire?"
(set: $rumors to (shuffled: "Rumors of Immortality", "Rumors of Health", "Rumors of Knowledge", "Rumors of Wisdom", "Rumors of Death", "Rumors of Wealth")'s (range: 1, $cunning))
(for: each _i, ...$rumors)[
(link-reveal: _i)[(replace:?input)[
<b>(display: _i)</b>
[[Rumors of Immortality]]
[[Rumors of Health]]
[[Rumors of Knowledge]]
[[Rumors of Wisdom]]
[[Rumors of Death]]
[[Rumors of Wealth]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.
(unless: $reputation contains $identity)[(set: $reputation's ($identity) to -1)]
|input>[(display: "SlimChat")]
(live:)[(print: $reputation's ($identity))]
The Aleph is a flaw in the fabric of the universe that lets you connect to any place in the universe(s). Some clever bobbins found a way to mount it in a containment device and make it portable."So, Fire Ghosts Are Hypnotized by Gold... ain't we all! Ha!"New to the City.My Garrett Is Secretly An Incredibly Powerful Artifact!!!!!!If you hang out, exploring a neighborhood, long enough, you'll encounter a cheap price on Damage Wards. If you hang out on the street all the time, you'll definitely *need* a Damage Ward."My mate told me that people go mad listening to Sirens, because they reveal the deepest mysteries in the Universe."In addition to begging, thieving, extortion, and organ harvesting, the West Fires is also home to a thriving Alckymie and Shopcraft industries.The scion of West Fires is an archdaemon with the head of an elaborate old school archangel and the body of a burly human in an expensive business suit. Flames continually erupt without burning or singing the garment.Something was so angry, it came back from the dead to enact its revenge.(for: each _i, ...(shuffled: ...$playerRumors)'s (range: 1,3))[
(set: _item to _i)(link-reveal: _item)[(if: $mobRumors contains _item)[(replace:?input)[(display: _item)
"_item? I heard it before, friend."(set: $reputation's ($identity) to it + (either: -1, 0, 0))
(display: "SlimChat")
(else:)[(replace:?input)[(set: $reputation's ($identity) to it + 1)(set: _newRumor to (either: ...$mobRumors))
(display: _item)
"_item? Interesting... ", they say. "(display: _newRumor)"(set: $playerRumors to it + (ds: _newRumor))(set: $mobRumors to it + (ds: _item))
(set: $reputation's ($identity) to it + (either: 0, 1, 1))(display: "SlimChat")
]](set: $reputation to (dm:))
(set: $playerRumors to (ds: "The Aleph Is A Wondrous Artifact", "Fire Ghosts Are Hypnotized by Gold", "I'm new here.", "My Garrett Is Secretly An Incredibly Powerful Artifact"))
(set: $identity to "Petitioner #1")
(display: "DisplayRandomMask")
(set: $mobRumors to (ds: "Fire Ghosts Are Hypnotized by Gold", "Rumors Of The Ripper's Carnage"))
(display: "SlimChattermob")
[[Say Goodbye->Petitioner #2]](set: $identity to "Petitioner #2")
(display: "DisplayRandomMask")
(set: $mobRumors to (ds: "Fire Ghosts Are Hypnotized by Gold", "Damage Ward Broker", "Sirens Carry Great Wisdom"))
(display: "SlimChattermob")
[[Say Goodbye->Petitioner #3]](set: $identity to "Petitioner #3")
(display: "DisplayRandomMask")
(set: $mobRumors to (ds: "Current Boss of West Fires", "Rumors Of The Ripper's Carnage"))
(display: "SlimChattermob")
[[Check the Chamber Door->Entrance to the Inner Chamber]] (if: $reputation's ("Petitioner #1") + $reputation's ("Petitioner #2") + $reputation's ("Petitioner #3") > 12)[
The door swings open, and a servant beckons you inward.
[[Enter->Inner Chamber]]
The servant returns your calling card and shows you to the exit. They politely but forcefully compel you to leave. They are frustratingly immune to combat magic and bribery.
]Double-click this passage to edit it.(set: $petitioners to (a: "Petitioner #1", "Petitioner #2", "Petitioner #3"))
You see three petitioners sat before you in the antechamber, each awaiting their turn to enter into the inner chamber.
You may be able to charm each of them in turn and on the wings of that charm gain yourself early access to the inner chamber.
Who would you like to speak with first?
(for: each _i, ...$petitioners)[
(link-goto: _i)
Omoya Jonathon is from Earth. She lives in the Dunes. She is a shaman. She is searching for the remnants of an ancient civilization out in the Desert that she believes was far more advanced than our current level.
(set: _name to "Omoya Jonathon")
(unless: $reputation contains _name)[(set: $reputation's (_name) to 1)]
(if: $reputation's (_name) <= 0)[She regards you coldly.]
(else-if: $reputation's (_name) < 3)[She regards you with the ghost of a smile.]
(else:)[The regards you with a broad, unabashed grin.]
(unless: $personae contains _name)[
(set: $personae's (_name) to (dm: "rumors", (ds: "Fire Ghosts Are Hypnotized by Gold", "Rumors Of The Ripper's Carnage")))]
(display: "SlimChattermob")
[[Say Goodbye->Next Encounter]]This is a miraculous invention, a transport capable of near-instantaneous transport to any of a desired location, implemented with such thorough incompetence that it transports you to a random neighborhood and doesn't come with you, so you can't use it to get back.(goto: (either: "North Harbor", "West Fires", "South Quarry", "Eastern Fortress", "Upper Castlerock", "Lower Depths")){(set: $playerDeck to (shuffled:
(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 1),(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 1),(dm: "type", "fire","value", 3),(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 4),(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 7),
(dm: "type", "earth", "value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth", "value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth","value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth","value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth","value", 8),
(dm: "type", "air", "value", 0),(dm: "type", "air","value", 1),(dm: "type", "air","value", 1),(dm: "type", "air","value", 3),(dm: "type", "air","value", 9),
(dm: "type", "water","value", 0),(dm: "type", "water","value", 1),(dm: "type", "water","value", 2),(dm: "type", "water","value", 4),(dm: "type", "water","value", 8),
(dm: "type", "blood", "value", 1),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 2),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 3),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 4),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 5)
(set: $enemyDeck to (shuffled:
(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 1),(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 1),(dm: "type", "fire","value", 3),(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 4),(dm: "type", "fire", "value", 7),
(dm: "type", "earth", "value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth", "value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth","value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth","value", 2),(dm: "type", "earth","value", 8),
(dm: "type", "air", "value", 0),(dm: "type", "air","value", 1),(dm: "type", "air","value", 1),(dm: "type", "air","value", 3),(dm: "type", "air","value", 9),
(dm: "type", "water","value", 0),(dm: "type", "water","value", 1),(dm: "type", "water","value", 2),(dm: "type", "water","value", 4),(dm: "type", "water","value", 8),
(dm: "type", "blood", "value", 1),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 2),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 3),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 4),(dm: "type", "blood","value", 5)
(set: $handSize to 5)
(set: $playerDeckIndex to 1)
(set: $enemyDeckIndex to 1)
(set: $playerHand to $playerDeck's (range: 1, $handSize))
(set: $playerDeckIndex to $handSize + 1)
(set: $enemyHand to $enemyDeck's (range: 1, $handSize))
(set: $enemyDeckIndex to $handSize + 1)
(set: $playerElement to "blood")
(set: $enemyElement to "fire")
(set: $playerDisplay to (dm: "fire", 0, "earth", 0, "air", 0, "water", 0, "blood", 0))
(set: $enemyDisplay to (dm: "fire", 0, "earth", 0, "air", 0, "water", 0, "blood", 0))
(set: $playerDuelHealth to 3)
(set: $enemyDuelHealth to 3)
(goto: "Elementalist Duel Discard")
(display: "Elementalist Duel: Display")
// Discard a Card //
(for: each _i, ...$playerHand)[
(link-reveal: "Discard " + _i's type + "-" + (str: _i's value))[
(set: $playerHand to it - (a: _i))
(goto: "Elementalist Duel: Attack")
]|input>[(display: "Elementalist Duel: Display")
// Draw 2 //
(set: $playerHand to it + $playerDeck's (range: $playerDeckIndex, $playerDeckIndex + 1))
(set: $playerDeckIndex to it + 2)
// Play 1 //
(for: each _item, ...$playerHand)[(set: _i to _item)
(link-reveal: "Cast " + _i's type + "-" + (str: _i's value))[ (set: $playerElement to _i's type)
(set: $playerHand to it - (a: _i))
You play the (print: _i's type) (print: _i's value).
(set: $playerDisplay's ($playerElement) to ($playerDisplay's ($playerElement)) + _i's value)
(set: $currentPlayerPower to $playerDisplay's ($playerElement))
(replace:?input)[(display: "Elementalist Duel: Display")
(if: ($playerElement is "blood" and $enemyElement is "earth") or
($playerElement is "earth" and $enemyElement is "water") or
($playerElement is "water" and $enemyElement is "fire") or
($playerElement is "fire" and $enemyElement is "air") or
($playerElement is "air" and $enemyElement is "blood"))[It's quite effective!
(set: $currentPlayerPower to it * 2)]
(if: $currentPlayerPower > $currentEnemyPower)[
You emit a force more powerful than your opponents, putting them on the defensive.
](else:)[You are unable to gain the advantage in this battle, and take damage!
(set: $playerDuelHealth to it - 1)
(if: $playerDuelHealth <= 0)[
(goto: "Elementalist Duel: Finale")]
[[Elementalist Duel: Counter Attack]]
]]// Randomly play 1 card off the top of the deck //
{(set: _i to $enemyDeck's ($enemyDeckIndex))
(set: $enemyDeckIndex to it + 1)}
They play the (print: _i's type) (print: _i's value).
(set: $enemyElement to _i's type)
(set: $enemyDisplay's ($enemyElement) to ($enemyDisplay's ($enemyElement)) + _i's value)
(set: $currentEnemyPower to $enemyDisplay's ($enemyElement))
(if: ($enemyElement is "blood" and $playerElement is "earth") or
($enemyElement is "earth" and $playerElement is "water") or
($enemyElement is "water" and $playerElement is "fire") or
($enemyElement is "fire" and $playerElement is "air") or
($enemyElement is "air" and $playerElement is "blood"))[It's quite effective!
(set: $currentEnemyPower to it * 2)]
(display: "Elementalist Duel: Display")
(if: $currentPlayerPower > $currentEnemyPower)[
(set: $enemyDuelHealth to it - 1)
(if: $enemyDuelHealth <= 0)[
(goto: "Elementalist Duel: Finale")
The enemy is overwhelmed by your power and is blasted backwards. (ENEMY TAKE DAMAGE + 1)
](else:)[They are able to turn the tide.]
[[Your Counter Attack->Elementalist Duel Discard]] Player: $playerElement
(for: each _i, ...(datanames: $playerDisplay))[(print: _i) - (print: $playerDisplay's (_i)) ]
Enemy: $enemyElement
(for: each _i, ...(datanames: $enemyDisplay))[(print: _i) - (print: $enemyDisplay's (_i)) ](if: $playerDuelHealth <= 0)[
You're defeated.
(if: $enemyDuelHealth <= 0)[
Enemy is vanquished.