(if: $miningCommand <= 0)[
[[Start A New Dig]]
[[Visit The Dig]]
]{(set: $phylacteryCharges to 10)
(set: $gold to 1337)
(set: $reputation to (dm: "public", 0, "South Quarry", 0))
(set: $inventory to (ds: ""))
(set: $daemons to (ds: "Living Shadow", "Fire Ghost" ))
(set: $mail to (a:
(dm: "sender", "No one",
"message", "For you",
"attachment", "Nothing"
(set: $scheduledEvents to (dm:))
(set: $maxPerception to 2)
(set: $perception to $maxPerception)
(set: $maxCunning to 2)
(set: $cunning to $maxCunning)
(set: $maxHealth to 2)
(set: $health to $maxHealth)
(set: $miningCommand to 0)
(set: $miningCrew to 0)
(set: $miningWage to 0)
(set: $miningDistance to 0)
(set: $miningEvent to "")
(set: $miningEvents to (a:))
(set: $miningDanger to 0)
(link-reveal: "Trial Plan")[(replace:?input)[
(set: $miningCommand to 1)
(set: $miningCrew to 10)
(set: $miningWage to 1)
(set: $miningDistance to 0)
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield"))
[[Visit The Dig]]
(link-reveal: "Standard Plan")[(replace:?input)[
(set: $miningCommand to 5)
(set: $miningCrew to 50)
(set: $miningWage to 4)
(set: $miningDistance to 0)
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield"))
[[Visit The Dig]]
(link-reveal: "Premium Plan")[(replace:?input)[
(set: $miningCommand to 10)
(set: $miningCrew to 100)
(set: $miningWage to 16)
(set: $miningDistance to 0)
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... And We Found A Vein!"))
[[Visit The Dig]]]]
(if: $miningEvent != "")[
(goto: $miningEvent)]
The workers are milling about the entrance to the mine: some entering, some leaving, with the fruit of their labor piling up in heaps near the refinery.
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield")
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Trove Discovered",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield"))
(set: $miningDistance to it + 1)
(set: $miningEvents to it + (repeated: $miningDistance / 10, "We Dug Too Deep"))]
This patch of earth appears barren of the materials you are after:
No gold, no ore, no coal.
Only loose dirt and flawed lumps of silicates are to be found in this accursed patch.
Your stalwart crew continues to strain against the yoke to go deeper and deeper in an effort to find treasure.
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield")
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 1)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... And We Found A Vein!"
(set: $miningDistance to it + 1)
The crew has encountered a patch of dirt that yields up some fine powder of gold.
Your stalwart crew continues to strain against the yoke to go deeper and deeper in an effort to find greater treasure.
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Deeper We Dig... And We Found A Vein!")
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 5)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Working The Vein", "Working The Vein"))
(set: $miningDistance to it + 1)
(set: $miningCommand to it + 1)
The crew has encountered a vein of gold with enviable purity.
Your stalwart crew continues to strain against the yoke to go deeper and deeper in an effort to find greater treasure.
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Working The Vein")
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 10)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Working The Vein",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield"))
(set: $miningDistance to it + 1)
[The vein has begun to yield up great chunks of precious metals.
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Cave-In")
// Send mail //
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Digging Out The Cave-In", "Digging Out The Cave-In"))
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningDanger to it + 1)
(set: $miningCrew to it - (random: 0, 2))
[During excavation, the rocks forming the wall and ceiling of a branch have become unstable.
All work has ceased until the crew have been dug out.
// Help out in some way //
[[Threaten to Fire Them If They Don't Continue Working->Disgruntlement]]
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Gas Leak")
[(set: $miningEvents to (a: ))
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningDanger to it + 1)
// Send mail //
[Flammable, noxious gasses have flooded the shafts, leading to a complete work stoppage.
(if: $gold > 500)[// Safe, expensive solution //
(link-reveal: "Spend Money To Fix Problem")[
(set: $arg to -500)(display: "UpdateGold")
You shell out a significant sum of lucre for a combination of contraption work and wind spirits to purify the air in your mine.
(set: $miningEvent to "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield")
(if: $inventory contains "Infernal Lens" or $daemons contains "Fire Ghost")[
// Dangerous, cheap solution -> Potentially Injure yourself and/or crew //
(link-reveal: "What If We Burn the Gas?!")[
Hark, y'all, and witness this tomfoolery! You hand your drink to a dumbstruck worker and use flame to detonate the gas.
(if: (random: 0, $cunning) > 4)[All of the flammable gas ignites with a satisfying WOOMP. A few of your crew were standing too close without the proper precautions and have lost some eyebrows.
(set: $miningEvent to "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield")
With a hellish crack, the gas detonates, sending rock and raw fragments of support beams through your group like Satan's blunderbuss!
(set: $miningCommand to (floor: it / 2))
(set: $miningCrew to (floor: it / 2))
(set: $deathReason to "With a hellish crack, the gas detonates, sending rock and raw fragments of support beams through your group like Satan's blunderbuss!
You are torn to shreds in the ensuing chaos.")
(set: $arg to (random: 0, 3))(display: "TakeDamage")
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Cave-In", "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield"))
[[Threaten to Fire Them If They Don't Continue Working->Disgruntlement]]
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Monster Attack")
[(set: $miningEvents to (a: ))
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningDanger to it + 5)
(set: $miningCrew to it - (random: 1, 3))
// Send mail //
[Something has begun picking off members of your crew!
They refuse to work until you fend off the creature.
// Fight with a guardian monster/daemon/automaton, etc. //
[[Slay The Beast In The Mines!]]
[[Seal off the Mine->Dig Cancelled]]
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "We Dug Too Deep")
// Send mail //
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningEvents to (a:
"Gas Leak",
"Monster Attack",
"Deeper We Dig... And We Found A Vein!",
"Deeper We Dig... And We Found A Vein!",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield"
(set: $miningDistance to it + 10)
(set: $miningDanger to it + 2)
[Your crew is quite concerned that they have dug too deep into the living stone and fear retribution from whatever lives below.
](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Union Dues")
// Send mail //
(set: $miningEvents to (a: ))
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: _desiredRaise to (floor: $miningWage * ($miningDanger/10)))
// Increase their wages to include a higher percentage of profits and hazard pay //
(link-reveal: "Increase Wages to " + $miningWage + _desiredRaise)[
(set: $miningWage to it + _desiredRaise)
(set: $miningCommand to it + 1)
The crew is pleased that you've given in to their demands.
(link-reveal: "Increase Wages to " + $miningWage + _desiredRaise/2)
(if: (random: 0, $miningCommand) > 1)[
Considering your popularity, you are able to negotiate a better rate with your crew.
(set: $miningWage to it + _desiredRaise/2)
(else:)[(goto: "Disgruntlement")]
[[No Raise->Disgruntlement]]
]{(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Workers On Strike",
"Workers On Strike",
"Trove Discovered",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield"))
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to it / 2)
(set: $miningCommand to it - 1)
The crew is unhappy, and their unhappiness is beginning to affect their work.
(if: $miningCommand <= 0)
[(display: "Dig Cancelled")]
(else-if: (random: 0, $miningCommand) <= 0)
[(goto: "Union Dues")](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Trove Discovered")
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: ))
(set: $miningDistance to it + 5)
(set: $miningCommand to it + 1)
// Send mail //
[In among the precious materials, your crew has uncovered a trove of treasure suspended like a bubble in the living rock.
This is no mere nugget of gold, but the detritus of an ancient civilization, perhaps a tomb of a once-great emperor.
They have begun cataloging the site and await your arrival to choose the greatest among treasures for your personal collection.
They would also like you around just in case there are "residents", like murderous spiders or barrow wights.
[[Ignore the Trove]]
[[Enter the Trove]]
]// Send mail //
(set: $miningCommand to 0)
(set: $miningSupplies to 0)
(set: $miningDistance to 0)
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningEvents to (a: ))
The dig has been cancelled.
[[Dig Site]]
// Send mail //
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Disgruntlement", "Workers On Strike", "Workers On Strike", "Workers On Strike"))
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningCrew to it - (random: 0, 2))
// Lose public reputation //
Your mine is being actively picketed by your workers over slights both real and percieved, an unsafe work environment, and problems getting their wages on time and the correct amounts.{(set: _crewWages to $miningCrew * $miningWage)
(set: _profits to $miningCrew * $miningGoldYieldRate)
(if: _profits + $gold < _crewWages)
[(display: "Disgruntlement")
(set: $gold to it + _profits)
(set: $gold to it + _profits - _crewWages)
(if: $miningEvents's length > 0)[(set: $miningEvent to (shuffled: ...$miningEvents)'s 1st)
<p style="display:none">(display: $miningEvent)</p>
(if: $miningCommand > 0 and $miningCrew <= 0)[(goto: "Dig Cancelled")]
(print: (passage:)'s name)
(display: "TickMining")(if: $miningCommand > 0)[ [[Visit The Dig]] ](if: (passage:)'s name is not "Digging Out The Cave-In")
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Digging Out The Cave-In", "Digging Out The Cave-In", "We Dug Too Deep", "Cave-In", "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield"))
(set: $miningGoldYieldRate to 0)
(set: $miningDanger to it + 0)
[During excavation, the rocks forming the wall and ceiling of a branch have become unstable.
All work has ceased until the crew have been dug out.
// Help out in some way //
[[Threaten to Fire Them If They Don't Continue Working->Disgruntlement]]
][[Trove: Army of the Dead]]
[[Trove: Basilisk]]
[[Trove: Blind Cave Serpent]]
[[Trove: Giant Mechanical Homonculus]]
[[Trove: Elder Gnome]]
[[Trove: Sentient Arachnid]]
You order the foreman and a large portion of your crew to seal off the trove.
(set: $miningEvents to (a: "Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Deeper We Dig... But No Yield",
"Trove Discovered",
"Deeper We Dig... With Some Yield"))You set out with an expeditionary force of your most seasoned crew.
They wear sturdy mining helmets and padding quite like a suit of leather armor. They are armed with pickaxes and shovels, with a demolitions expert also carrying various high explosives in a durable case.
// Random chance of encountering a monster //
[[Trove: Army of the Dead]]
[[Trove: Basilisk]]
[[Trove: Blind Cave Serpent]]
[[Trove: Giant Mechanical Homonculus]]
// Random chance of finding gold //
[[Trove: Gold Cache]]
// Random chance of finding items //
[[Trove: Treasure Cache]]
// Random chance of meeting a special encounter //
[[Trove: Shop Keeper]]
[[Trove: Elder Gnome]]
[[Trove: Sentient Arachnid]]
[[Trove: Goblin Chieftain]]Each individual member of the army has weak, paper-like limbs, but their collective mass could trap and kill a living being and then recruit them into their ranks.A single, small, ungainly creature in a dense hydra of tunnels. A single touch will kill you.// Fight a creature that is a big damage sponge that rarely hits, but when it does, hits hard //// The giant metal homonculus must either be fought (high health; hits for 1 each turn) or reprogrammed/sabotaged //(set: $gold to it + (random: 1, 10) * 100)
You find a random amount of gold in a small chest.// Randomly grab 3 items from the game assets //
// Let the player pick 1 //A strange, wizened creature in a hooded robe sits on a threadbare flying carpet arrayed with items for sale.This creature of animated earth was asleep.
50% of big fight.
50% you agree to dig around it, and it returns to sleep.50% chance of a fight
25% chance you are poisoned and trapped in a web
25% chance you can talk your way out of itGoblins are curious folk. Once completely human, they willingly joined or were abducted into a goblish tribe. Through a series of rituals and surgeries, they are slowly converted into a goblin. It is thought to be an irreversible process, but it is hard to say, as no one has ever willingly left a goblin tribe once they joined.
Each tribe has their own aesthetic, ranging from "basically humans but with pointy ears and teeth" to "absolutely speciated underdweller". They have no sense of personal property, so they may steal items from you.
You make contact with the local tribe's chieftain, a (either: "old", "middle-aged", "surprisingly young") intersexed member furthest along in the direction of the local's aesthetic.
(either: "They are still obviously human in origin.",
"They are halfway between human and goblin states, belonging still to both worlds.",
"If you did not know that goblins are a transpeciated human, you wouldn't believe that the creature had come from your kind.")
(either: "This local group goes in for large jewelry. Earlobes, nostrils, lips, random patches of flesh, all sporting thick plugs and plates made from bone and quartz.",
"This local group wears needles of titanium coated with psychoactive toad juices in their lips and septum. Chains hang from their earlobes. They file their teeth to points.",
"They are positively covered in blue-black tattooes. They start by tattooing the wrists, throat, and ankles. As time passes, they have regular ritual tattooing. The tattoos spread from the origin sites until the person is completely covered. At this time, the sclera of their eyes will inexplicably turn black.",
"Miniature horns erupt from their foreheads in various numbers: usually 2 or 4, but sometimes 1, 3, 7, 20! The chieftain has a crown of nine horns shaped like kris blades. Instead of incisors, they bear small curved tusks.",
"They are assigned a color of edible fungus to eat, and they eat that fungus exclusively. The nutritional content is about the same for any given mushroom, but the pigments convert the eater's skin a vivid blue, red, green, black in response.",
"Vestigial wings have sprouted from their backs. Most members have either fewer than the typical 5 fingers and toes or more and webbing between them all. They mutilate their noses with a series of symmetrical cuts.")
Goblins and Wizards get along just fine. This goblin is wielding a very powerful magical staff.
// You can be a dick and try to steal from the goblins, but they'll rush you and try to kill and eat you //
[[Trove: Steal the Goblin Chieftain's Staff]]
// You can trade rumors and possibly get good items //
// Randomly lose items to the goblin tribe //
[[Trove: Hold Palaver With the Goblin Chieftain]]
// Become a Goblin //
[[Trove: Join the Goblins]]You and the Goblin Chieftain hold palaver while the rest of the clan surrounds you.
Goblins, as a society, don't have a concept of personal property outside of the clan.
So, outsiders cannot steal from them, but they can steal from outsiders.
// Randomly lose item //
(if: $inventory contains any of (a: "Mark of the Goblins Lvl 1", "Mark of the Goblins Lvl 2", "Mark of the Goblins Lvl 3"))
[They gladly hand over their wand to a member of the tribe. Use it for as long as you need it.
(set: $inventory to it + (either: "Frozen Icicle", "Warding Wand", "Diadem of Digging"))
You are savagely attacked by the entire tribe.
]You and the Goblin Chieftain hold palaver while the rest of the clan surrounds you.
Goblins, as a society, don't have a concept of personal property outside of the clan.
So, outsiders cannot steal from them, but they can steal from outsiders.
// Randomly lose item //
(if: $inventory contains any of (a: "Mark of the Goblin Lvl 1", "Mark of the Goblin Lvl 2", "Mark of the Goblin Lvl 3"))
// Get goblin rumors //
// Get normal rumors //
](set: $inventory to it + (ds: "Mark of the Goblins Lvl 1"))
The process is horrifically painful, but once it is complete, you are an honorary member of the tribe. They understand that you have a life in the greater world, they just ask that you come by to visit every now and then.